

Genesis, chapter one: In the beginning... we signed on to help them with strategy. And it was good... no it was great!

Strategy, UX, Agile, Angular, Development, Copywriting
Crossroads digital products displayed on devices

Vision casting

Few things have been said that will come across as nerdy as this one. “We are incredibly proud of this presentation deck.” Hang with us. Listen to why. We met and interviewed many, many team members in all parts of the organization. We grew to understand how they produce a weekly service, how they support their community. We learned how they gather people in groups, how they support their members nationally and how they do design, development, leadership and faith.

Discovery process presentation slides
Discovery process presentation slides

Over the course of a month, we got to know who they were at that moment, but we also saw who they could be in the years to come. This led to a presentation that truly painted a picture. It gave them insight! The kind that can only come from asking the right questions, and giving people the latitude to answer honestly — the good the bad and the ugly.

With this information, and with a deep creative dive into what more we could do, Ample was also able to help them imagine a new online presence that streamlines their processes, connects with far greater numbers, and provides more and more value as they grow. They loved it! And we loved it. It was a big old love fest, that made us all decide to make this a long term relationship.

Wait a second. 

Who is Crossroads?

Crossroads is a church for people who don’t like church. They’re also the fastest growing church in the U.S. They say Crossroads is for anyone who wants to seek God—from those exploring whether or not God even exists, to committed Christ-followers. And that they present biblical truths and show how they apply to everyday lives. And they have a lot of fun while doing it. 

We say, they are doing a modern version of church that connects with today’s culture.


Crossroads creates a lot of impactful content – articles, weekend messages, videos, songs and podcasts. But what good is content if people can’t find it? Crossroads needed a strategy to leverage the amazing media they were already producing. This platform became a central (searchable) location where people can gather information, advice, and guidance. Now the spouse experiencing hard times in their marriage or the twenty-something struggling with bills can quickly find some much needed perspective.

Crossroads Media Landing PageCrossroads Media TopicCrossroads Media Series
Crossroads Media PodcastCrossroads Media ArticleCrossroads Media AuthorsCrossroads Media Music

Digital Design Kit

This is a church that is running in a lot of directions to accomplish their mission. With rapid growth and multiple teams, Crossroads relied on Ample to create an online tool that would create consistency across their entire platform. Using the DDK, teams access a massive library of code snippets, UI components, prototyping resources, and design standards, as well as guidelines on how to implement them effectively.

Crossroads Digital Design Kit
Crossroads Digital Design Kit - CardsCrossroads Digital Design Kit - IconsCrossroads Digital Design Kit - Grids

Website Redesign

As Crossroads grows to national proportions, the website needed to become the church for those that don’t have a building. Ample helped Crossroads develop a new look that focused on people and community. One that leads more to action, through better organization and a higher level of functionality.

Style tile for Crossroads
Crossroads Home page redesign

Landing Pages

When an organization is as active as Crossroads, it can be easy to lose track of all the life changing opportunities they offer. We created a few landing pages to help organize and articulate the many ways a person can get involved, connect to others and serve the greater community.

Crossroads Get Connected Landing Page
Crossroads Groups Landing Page


Staff Augmentation

We don’t just work on Crossroads, we work with them. Some of our staff work onsite with them one day every week. During the initial sprint, their team worked in our office as well.

Strategic Leadership

We’ve been invited into the planning meetings and given a voice. We provide insight and guidance that’s informed by our involvement in planning and our dedication to our partnership.

UX Design & Dev

Ample has become the resource for UX design and front end development. We have plugged into their team — becoming a vital piece of their workflow to bring features to life.  

Finder App

Creating community is a cornerstone of Crossroads' growth. Ample provided the strategic guidance and UX design that would create the paths to allow people to connect. Today, users can create groups that users can find and ask to join. Through this app, Crossroads is building satellite communities all across the country.  

Crossroads Finder - User flows
Crossroads Finder - Groups list view
Crossroads Finder - Groups detail view
Crossroads Finder - Start a group
Crossroads Finder - Map view

Inline Giving Module

Giving is what keeps a church on mission. Ample helped Crossroads map a path to a safer, cleaner easier way to give. It made it possible for anyone to give online, and to choose to make a recurring with very little effort.

Crossroads Inline Giving - User flows
Crossroads Inline Giving - Design

Second Screen Pilot

In an attempt to enhance their service, Crossroads tapped Ample’s design, development and content creation skills. Second Screen was designed to provide supplemental content to the service to push the message deeper. It was a series of images, links and extended content that would be sent to a persons phone, in conjunction with the message coming from the stage.  

Crossroads Second Screen - ConceptsCrossroads Second Screen - Cards

Small Group Concierge

How do you help people find and connect with the right small group? Ample worked with Crossroads to create a tool that leads group leaders through an entertaining, yet intentional signup process. It inspires them to categorize their group with searchable terms (age, location, kids, pets etc,) that—when complete—provides an ideal profile that can be filtered and chosen.  

Small Group Concierge - Wireframes
Small Group Concierge - Design
Small Group Concierge - Design

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